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Tendon Pain

Tendinopathy is the umbrella term for pain and swelling in a tendon. It is usually as a result of overusing a tendon's capacity to be able to deal with demands that an individual places on it.

It is often as a result of a sudden change in load to the tendon such as training - increasing distance ran, uphills, increased typing, change of footwear.


Tendinopathy can also be related to rheumatological conditions, metabolic disorders such as Diabetes and certain types of medication. 

Treatment involves managing the load that tendon is being placed under and prescribing a individualised progressive strengthening programme to increase the tendon's capacity to exercise. Other modalities such as massage can help to reduce pain. 

Areas of common tendinopathy

Common sites for tendinopathy are:

Achilles - back of the heel

Elbow (outside elbow = tennis elbow / inside elbow = golfer's elbow)

Knee - above and below the knee cap


Proximal hamstring (just under the buttock muscle). 

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