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Sports Injuries

Some sports injuries are caused by trauma, i.e. collision with another person, an object such as a ball or the ground, whilst others can be from overloading the tissue capacity or a more gradual repetitive strain. Often muscles, ligaments and tendon are tissues more commonly affected.


Muscle/ligament strains

  • Sometimes during sport we can injury muscles and ligaments, often by overexerting ourselves or from direct impact - another person, ball or the ground!

  • There will usually be pain and restricted movement following an injury but this is a good thing as it is the body’s way of attempting to prevent further injury by continuing to use it in normally.

  • Muscle sprains can take between 2 weeks and 3 months to heal and ligaments are often much longer


Physio management

Immediately after an injury it is good practice to use to POLICE protocol (Protection, Optimal Loading, Ice, Compression, Elevation).

  • Protect the joint immediately after the injury - this can be rest, use of crutches, and taping for example. Physio can assist in the initial stages of an injury.

  • Ice the tissue in an elevated position for approximately 10 mins on and with 20 mins rest and reapply for a further 10 minutes. You can repeat this as often as you would like for the first 72 hours.

  • Early mobilisation and functional rehabilitation with appropriate weight bearing are more effective than complete rest. Your physio can advise you on optimal loading of the newly injured tissue with an individualised rehabilitation programme.

  • As your recovery progresses, you rehabilitation programme will reflect your personal goals and what activity/sport you would like to return to.

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