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Back Pain

Back pain is a very common condition that can affect anyone at anytime. 80% of people will have back pain at some point in their life. 


The majority of people (95%) will have what is called non-specific low back pain and this type of pain does not require a scan and often will be significantly better after a couple of weeks. However, some back pain will last longer but is rarely due to serious disease or damage and the amount of pain felt does not relate to the amount of damage done - think of a paper cut. Other factors such as stress, sleep quality and beliefs about back pain can play a big part in ongoing pain. The assessment will identify the contributing factors and an individualised treatment plan will be formulated.


A very small percentage (< 1%) of people's back pain needs to be assessed by a doctor. The physiotherapy assessment can help identify whether you will need to be referred for further assessment.

There are some common misconceptions about back pain. See here for back pain mythbusters.

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